Public Interest Organizations

▸ P&I together with partners provides consulting services to public interest
▸ Today, the available resources are limited and citizens are looking for high quality, reasonable cost, safety and stability in services they receive, and as taxpayers, they assess carefully and severely the distribution of what they have contributed.
▸ In this context, the following three consulting services was developed:
– Consulting services to public interest organizations. Developing a citizen-centric business model, streamlining processes and structures, public assets’
management, extroversion and training.
– Development of public interest infrastructures. Developing a business model
that will attract local and foreign creditors and investors. Set-up of a funding
model in order for the necessary resources for project development and
maintenance to be secured. Exploitation of the Municipal Bonds and Project
Bonds as financial tools.
– Services to municipalities and administrative regions – adaptation,
extroversion, development. Information services on international and
European developments, participation in events (local and abroad),
participation in European support programs, lobbying and contacts with
influential people and groups