Who we are

We do our job with creativity, lateral thinking and passion!

Pantelis Lamprou

Co-founder & CEO, P&I

From October, 2018 Co-founder and CEO of the Products & Investments – Business Management Consulting, aiming the provision of business modeling, E-GRC, strategic communication, finance & funding, corporate restructuring and enabling & empowerment, mainly to SMEs.

He has been an executive of the Athens Exchange Group (ATHEX Group) for the past twenty-one years. At the Group, he has held the positions of the Director of Strategic Communication and Markets Analysis, Compliance & Risk Management, Clearing & Risk Management, Business Products Development, Market Operation, Project Manager of the OASIS project (central trading system for stocks, bonds and derivatives), Head of Financial and Capital Markets Dept. and was responsible for the provision of Consulting Services in Capital Markets in the region.

He began his professional career in 1989 in the computer industry, working in development projects at the Computer Technology Institute (CTI, Academic R&D Institute), at InfoQuest as Product Manager and at the Rainbow Group of Companies (Apple Computers) as Business Manager.

He is a member of the Technical Chamber of Greece and of the INSEAD Alumni Association. He sat on the Boards of Directors of private and state owned companies, was a member of the Board of students’ society of the Computer Engineering Dept., member of the Scientific Committee of Greek Computer Engineers and members of Hellenic Volunteer Managers Center (KEMEL).

He holds a degree (with distinction) from the Department of Computer Engineering & Informatics of the University of Patras. He is a graduate of the International Executive Program (Fontainebleau & Singapore) of the INSEAD Business School and speaks Greek (native) and English (fluently).

Christos Koupelidis

Co-founder & CEO, P&I

From October, 2018 Co-founder and COO of the Products & Investments – Business Management Consulting, aiming the provision of business modeling, E-GRC, strategic communication, finance & funding, corporate restructuring and enabling & empowerment, mainly to SMEs.

Ιn the period 2013 – 2015 he served as General Manager of Financial & Administrative Services of the New Hellenic Internet & Television SA – (NERIT SA) (2013 – 2015).

He has been an executive of the Athens Exchange Group (ATHEX Group) for thirteen years. At the Group, he has held the positions of the Director of Listed Companies and Alternative Market (ENA) (2007 – 2013).

During his tenure as Director of Listed Companies he served as Vice-Chairman of the Alternative Market Evaluation Committee, Vice President for Listing and Corporate Actions Committee of the ATHEX and Member of the ATHEX Index Committee. In ATHEX Group he also served as Deputy Director of HR & Administrative Support (2005-2007), Head of Administrative Support and Organization (2003-2005), Head of Investors’ Support of the Central Securities Depository (member of the ATHEX Group).

He began his professional career as Chief Financial Officer of ANTONIOS P. Shipping Ltd & Thesprotian Shipping Ltd (1989 1999).

Economist, Department of Economics, School of Economics and Political Sciences, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and Department of Political Economy University of Bonn.

Speaks Greek (native), German (fluently) and English.

About us

We are a flexible and dynamic team. Using imagination, creativity and ingenuity we attempt to position ourselves in the environment and the context.

We approach modern challenges with “business sense” and innovation. Our aim is to develop efficient and durable solutions.

The accumulated experiences from professional, social and personal life, studies in Greece and abroad have created a wealth of knowledge, ideas and practices made available for businesses that are seeking to recover and grow.


There is a very interesting paradox arising both in times of growth and prosperity as well as in times of crisis.

It would be rational for difficult decisions to be taken in periods of “success”, where the available resources and time offer a sense of security and comfort. However, no one dares to make decisions that involve risk. No one wants to rock the boat.

In times of crisis, however, everyone looks back on the “lost prosperity” of the past for change and repositioning.

We strive to overturn this paradox! Today, while everyone sees closed doors, we see open windows of opportunity and envision the new business model! We believe that nowadays many professionals and businesses share the same vision with us.

These are the partners we will work with!

Ποιοι είμαστε

Είμαστε μια ευέλικτη και δυναμική ομάδα. Με φαντασία, δημιουργικότητα και επινοητικότητα επιχειρούμε να τοποθετηθούμε στο περιβάλλον και την συγκυρία.

Προσεγγίζουμε τις σύγχρονες προκλήσεις με «επιχειρηματική λογική» και καινοτομία. Στόχος η διαμόρφωση αποδοτικών και ανθεκτικών λύσεων.

Οι συσσωρευμένες παραστάσεις από την επαγγελματική, κοινωνική και προσωπική ζωή, την εκπαίδευση στην Ελλάδα και το εξωτερικό έχουν δημιουργήσει μια δεξαμενή γνώσεων, ιδεών και πρακτικών στη διάθεση επιχειρήσεων που στοχεύουν στην ανάκαμψη και την ανάπτυξή τους.

Η απόφαση

Υπάρχει ένα πολύ ενδιαφέρον παράδοξο που συμβαίνει τόσο σε περιόδους ανάπτυξης και ευημερίας όσο και σε περιόδους κρίσης.

Το ορθολογικό θα ήταν οι δύσκολες αποφάσεις να λαμβάνονταν σε περιόδους «επιτυχίας», όπου οι διαθέσιμοι πόροι και ο διαθέσιμος χρόνος προσφέρουν ένα μαξιλάρι προστασίας και άνεσης. Εντούτοις, κανείς δεν τολμά να λάβει αποφάσεις που ενσωματώνουν ρίσκο. Κανείς δεν θέλει να διαταράξει την ορχήστρα.

Σε εποχές κρίσης από την άλλη, όλοι αναπολούν την «χαμένη ευημερία» του παρελθόντος για αλλαγές και ανατοποθέτηση.

Εμείς θα προσπαθήσουμε να ανατρέψουμε αυτό το παράδοξο! Σήμερα όλοι βλέπουν τις κλειστές πόρτες. Εμείς από την άλλη βλέπουμε τα παράθυρα ευκαιρίας και οραματιζόμαστε το νέο μοντέλο, το νέο υπόδειγμα επιχειρηματικής λειτουργίας! Πιστεύουμε ότι σήμερα πολλοί επαγγελματίες και επιχειρήσεις μοιράζονται το ίδιο όραμα με εμάς.

Με αυτούς θα συνεργαστούμε !

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Richard Blackwood
Seven Construction
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Alexander White
Seven Communications
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Miriam Swift
Seven Media Agency