Value Proposition Canvas

Value Proposition

Value proposition is what the product does in order to satisfy the customer.

Value Proposition Canvas

The Value Proposition Canvas aims to match the value proposition with the profile of each customer segment.

Customer profile

Customers, in their work and personal life, are concerned about some important issues (jobs) for which they try to:

  • Achieve goals
  • Solve problems
  • Meet needs

While trying to carry out these tasks, the customer has to deal with certain pains:

  • Problems and undesired characteristics
  • Obstacles
  • Undesired potential outcomes 

The outcomes and gains from using a product or service may be:

  • necessary
  • expected
  • desired
  • unexpected

Product Value Proposition

The products and services offered aim to add value to a specific customer segment, by helping the costumer to:

  • get jobs done
  • avoid pains
  • achieve gains

The proposed products and services:

  • work as “pain relievers” that alleviate certain customer pains
  • work as gain creators that offer gain and benefits to the customers